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Get better quality leads in no-code consulting

Mar 10, 2023

Are you booking sales meetings with leads that often are not ready to commit to you, thus taking up more time that you could spend booking serious clients? If you are in need of better-quality leads, it may be time to switch your clients from booking time with you to having them fill out an application. Check out how we set up our application process at GAP Consulting. 

In this lesson, I’ll show you how our application process filters out non-serious clients. You’ll learn about what a pre-qualified lead is and how you can implement this in your own business. I also warn you why you should only use this method after having an established practice. Lastly, I go over the types of outcomes you can offer once you review the pre-qualified applications.

In this video we’ll discuss:

  • 01:23 - Why this method does not work when you’re starting out
  • 03:33 - Pre-qualify Leads
  • 05:43 - Application Form
  • 10:15 - Most important question in the form
  • 12:22 - Submitting Information to CRM
  • 12:53 - Breaking down three outcomes of responses
  • 14:16 - How to get more help!

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