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How to create an email funnel as a no-code consultant

Mar 24, 2023

One of your greatest allies as a no-code consultant will be your email list. We've mentioned in previous videos how this helps you build credibility with your audience. In this video, I want to show you exactly how you can leverage email with a funnel to help add value to your clients. 

In this video, you'll learn how to create a nurturing sequence funnel to help grow your audience and convert them to clients. I'll go over the specific email steps I use with my Airtable Crash Course, and why I try to offer as much value as I can to potential clients. You'll also see how you can still pitch your information without feeling sleazy or "salezy". 

In this video, we'll discuss:

  • Developing a Nurture Sequence
  • Entering the top of the funnel
  • Breaking down each step of the funnel
  • Always provide value
  • Continuing the breakdown of the funnel
  • Start pitching after completing the funnel
  • Not trying to be salesy
  • Resuing your funnels
  • How to get more help!

If you found this helpful and want to give it a try yourself, please check out the software we used and mentioned below! 👇

If you found this helpful and want to get started in no-code, please sign up for our challenge below! 👇

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