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Revenue options for no-code consulting

Jan 06, 2023

As a no code expert, you have a valuable set of skills that can be turned into a profitable business. Whether you're looking to start a side hustle or make a full-time career out of no code consulting, understanding the different revenue streams available to you is crucial. In this blog post, we'll go over the main ways you can generate income as a no code consultant, from delivering services to creating passive income streams.

The biggest source of revenue for no code consultants is often the delivery of services. This includes building custom solutions for clients and implementing no code tools to support their specific workflow. Custom projects can be intense, as they require you to dive deep with your client and understand their business processes and workflow in order to create a solution that fits their needs. This level of detail and expertise is often rewarded with higher rates, allowing you to generate significant income by completing just a few projects.

In addition to custom projects, you can also offer hourly consulting services. This can be a great option for clients who just need a little guidance or assistance troubleshooting their no code setup. By setting up a Calendly link on your website, clients can easily book time with you and pay for the service upfront. Hourly consulting is a flexible way to generate income and can be a good option for no code consultants just starting out.

Another revenue stream for no code consultants is the creation and sale of templates, courses, and ebooks. These can be a great passive income stream, allowing you to sell your knowledge and expertise without constantly delivering services. Consider creating templates or pre-built solutions that clients can easily customize to fit their needs. Or, you can create a course teaching others the ins and outs of a particular no code tool or how to build specific solutions. Ebooks are another option, allowing you to write in-depth guides on no code topics and sell them as digital downloads.

In addition to the services and products you offer, you can also generate income through partnerships with no code tool companies. Many of these companies offer affiliate programs, which allow you to earn a commission for every customer you refer to their platform. This can be a great way to supplement your income as a no code consultant, especially if you're already using and recommending certain tools to your clients.

As you can see, there are plenty of revenue streams available to no code consultants. Whether you choose to focus on delivering services, creating passive income streams, or leveraging partnerships, the sky's the limit when it comes to earning potential in the no code space. By leveraging your expertise and skills, you can build a successful business helping others streamline their workflows and automate their processes using no code tools. So, if you are confident with a tool in no code and are considering building a business with that knowledge, consider the different revenue options available to you as a no code consultant and start making a substantial amount of income either as a side hustle or full-time.

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